Formatting options for text

Set formatting for text, numbers, percents, dates, & currency values

Slideform supports a wide variety of options to format values in a text box in your slides. These are available in the formatting dropdown for each text pragma on the Configure Data page.

Formatting options:

  • No Formatting (default): no formatting will be applied
  • Link: The text will be formatted as a clickable link. If the text is a URL, then it will go to that URL, otherwise, preset a value and enter the link URL in the Embed a Link section.
  • Currency: Select the currency type and rounding options. Example below.
  • Number: Select decimal places to display.
  • Percent: Select decimal places to display.
  • Business: This option is an abbreviated format for large numbers, such as 12K. Select the decimal places to display.
  • Date: Select from a variety of date and time formats.
  • Title: This option formats the text in title case, with each word capitalized.
  • Conditional: This option allows you to change the color of text dynamically or to substitute words (such as "increase" or "decrease") depending on a condition. Example below.



For prices for example, you may want to add a dollar sign.

Price: {{monthly price}}

Select the appropriate currency from the dropdown as shown.

Price: $450.00

Conditional Formatting:

To control the text color and content dynamically, use conditional formatting. Here is an example text box.

Pragma variables:
{{impressions}} - the number of impressions
{{imp_change}} - the amount of change compared to a prior period

Text Color:

Set conditional formatting on  {{imp_change}}, so that a decrease in this metric will be shown in red and an increase will be in green. The conditions are shown below:

Conditional Text Content:

Set conditional formatting on {{imp_change}} so that text can be added based on the value of a pragma.

If {{imp_change}} is positive,  show the words "Increased by" before the percent change value. 

If {{imp_change}} is negative, show the words "Decreased by" before the percent change value. 

The syntax of the Update text action is as shown below:

Here's the output when we generate the report:

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