How to set a date range and filter values from a dashboard

Set a date range or filter values for your data.


Set a date range

Dynamic date range

You can set a dynamic date range for your report using the built-in date ranges in Slideform. Options include Current or Prior Week, Month, or Quarter; Last 7, 30, 60, or 90 Days; or a comparable period from the Prior Year. The start day of the week or quarter can be configured in the project Settings.


⇒ To set a date range for all elements in the report, set a project-level filter at the top of the Configure Data screen.


⇒ To set a date range for just one chart or data element, set a filter as shown below:


Custom date range

You can also set any arbitrary date range using a calendar selector. This is useful if the date range may be different for different reports.


Step-by-step guide:

1) Create a text placeholder for the date range in the slide template. For example, I can add {{date_range}} to the title slide of my deck.

2) On the Configure Data screen for the project, go to the {{date_range}} placeholder and choose "Select a date range". Set the format to Date.

3) To use this date range for all elements in the report, set a project-level filter using this placeholder:

To filter just one chart or data element, set a filter for that individual placeholder as shown below:

4) When you generate the report, you will be prompted to select the date range using a calendar picker.

Set filter values

You can dynamically apply filters to your dashboard in Slideform. There are a few steps to enable this automation.

1) Identify the filter in the data source. You can view the available filters and values that have been captured in Data Sources. Open the data source and view the filters in the Metrics section.

2) Create a placeholder for the filter in the slide template. This should be a text placeholder and it can appear on the slide or, if you don't want to display it, it can be in the speaker notes. In the example, I added {{year}} and {{category}} to slide 1 of my deck.

3) On the Configure Data screen for the project, go to the filter value placeholder, for example {{year}}. Click Preset a Value and set a dropdown so that the user can select the filter value when they generate the report. See: How to Create A Dropdown Menu. Be sure to Use Predefined Metric to select the filter.

4) Apply the filter to your data mapping. For all the other placeholders in your project, where the filters should be applied, filter the data using the filter placeholder. For example, below we filter the chart to the year in the {{year}} placeholder and the category that matches the value of {{category}}.

5) Always save your data mapping at the bottom of the page.