How to Set a Schedule for Recurring Presentations

Learn how to schedule a presentation to be auto-generated on a recurring basis. Receive an email notification with a link to the presentation output.

At Slideform, we're working hard to build the world's best presentation management solution. Part of that means saving you and your team time on recurring presentations.

If you have reports that need to be generated on a regular, recurring basis, you can set up a schedule for the report to be auto-run and emailed to you.

Note: To schedule a report, you must first set up the template, data source(s), and data mapping.

Set a schedule

  1. Navigate to your project's "Configure Data" page. Click the Schedule tab at the top of the Configure Data page.
  2. Select a Scheduling Cadence, either daily, weekly, or monthly. Once you choose a cadence, the next options will appear to set the day and time for the report.
  3. We do not currently support scheduling by date (such as the 15th of the month), but we do schedule by week and day (such as second Friday of the month).
  4. Save the schedule.
  5. To ensure that the latest data is used in each report, you should also turn on the setting Refresh Indexed Data. To configure this option, go to Project Settings.

Email Notifications

To receive an email notification when the report is generated, go to the Settings tab at the top of the Configure Data page. Scroll down and enter recipient email(s) under Notifications. Save the settings. 

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