Project Settings

Use the project settings to control the presentation output filename, data caching, email notifications, date formats, and other project-specific information.

The Project Settings can be found on the Configure Data page for your project under the Settings tab at the top of the page. We will explain all the settings below:

Output Name

Enter a custom file name for the output generated from this project. This is most useful when you include pragmas in the file name itself. Examples include:

Monthly Analytics Report {{client_name}} {{fn:month}} 
Proposal for {{client}} | {{fn:date}} 

See How to Set the Output Filename for details.


Data Cache Duration

You can control how long the charts and data from your data sources are kept in cache. This is to make the reports generate faster.

For example, if you choose 24 hours, the data will be refreshed only once per day. 

If you choose 2 hours, then once you run a report the data will not be refreshed again for 2 hours. If you run multiple reports within 2 hours, they will have the same data. 


Refresh Indexed Data

If your data changes often, then you may want to turn on "Refresh Indexed Data". This ensures that the data are refreshed each time you run a report. However, it may take a bit longer to generate the report.


Project Owner

Enter the email of the person who owns this project. This will be displayed on the project card.



Instead of waiting for output to be generated in the Slideform app, you can receive an email notification when your presentation is ready. 

Enter one or more emails to receive the notifications. This is project-specific, so the account manager for the specific client can be notified. The email will contain a direct link to the output if it is in Google Slides, or a link to Slideform if the output is in PowerPoint or another format.


Timezone & Dates

You may specify the date-time format used in your data source. 


Shared Logins

You may share presentations through Slidform's Slide Share functionality. To share password-protected access to the presentation, create a login and password for your recipient here.


Enable Previews

Choose whether you want to generate a preview each time the presentation is run. If you skip the preview, you must still select the output format to save the output.


Audit Sheet

Enter the URL of an (empty) Google Sheet to be used as an audit log. Every time a presentation is generated, the user, date, and pragma values will be recorded in this sheet.

Get in touch at if you need help!